(logo)  Settings Requester


In the settings requester, you can change many aspects of AWeb. The changed settings can be saved, only used for this session, or cancelled.

Opening the Settings Requester

The settings requester is opened by selecting the Settings / Change Settings... menu item.

Controlling the settings requester

Because there are far too many parameters to change to fit in one window, the settings requester is organized in pages. You can select a page from the chooser gadget in the upper part of the window.

A chooser gadget looks like this: [________|<<]. A click in the wide part of the gadget pops up a menu from which you can choose a page. A click in the << part switches to the next page; holding the SHIFT key while you click switches to the previous page.

The requester offers the following pages:

Browser 1: Fonts
Change the fonts and style the browser uses for different types of text.
Browser 2: Colours
Change the colours to use for text, background, and links.
Browser 3: Options
Change different aspects of the browser behaveour, like HTML mode, link underlining.
Screen 1: Screen
Let AWeb open on the default public screen, on a named public screen, or open its own public screen.
Screen 2: Palette
Change the screen colours for AWeb's own screen.
Network 1: General
Change general network settings, including image loading and your home page.
Network 2: Proxy
Configure AWeb to use proxies.
Network 3: External programs
Configure external mail and ftp programs.
Program 1: General
Change some general settings of the program that don't fit in other pages. These include save path, different options.
Program 2: External programs
Configure external editor and HTML source viewer.
Program 3: Cache
Configure the cache size.
MIME types and external viewers
Configure the MIME types AWeb should recognize, and the external viewers to use.
ARexx macro menu
Configure what macros can be started from the ARexx menu

Closing the requester

The bottom region of the requester contains three buttons:
Apply all changes and save the settings. The next time you start AWeb the same settings will be used.

Apply all changes for this session only. Unless you save the settings later using the Settings / Save Settings menu item, they will be forgotten the next time you start AWeb.

Don't apply changes.

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